My dear wife, the world class teacher, found a CD with the multiplication tables sung in a variety of styles including a hip-hop version of the three times table - we then bought our son his own mp3 player. The first practical test of his multiplication tables came when he asked me how may songs can it hold.
"Well, you can work this out, a song is about 5 meg and there is about 500 meg available - so the question would be - how many fives in 500?" There was a slight pause as he wondered if this was a trick question, could it be this easy? His answer was deliberate, not with a question mark or as a question itself. He said with confidence "One Hundred".
We are going to Hong Kong and he will have a new MP3 player to listen to on the plane.
Saturday morning - clean up the yard.
Saturday morning was spent with number two son shoveling rocks. My dear wife bought a tipper load of river rocks and had them dumped in the driveway. Our simple task was to put each rock in a nicer place. When a rock would roll away, we would pretend to be in Hogan's Heros or Hitch Hiker's Guide and when we captured the escapee We said things like: - I found another one trying to escape! Ahh well done number one - take it prisoner and we'll make an example of it later...
- we then put it aside from the others rocks while we decided on its fate.
Before and After:
We now have a new family saying - "This is harder than raking rocks."
Online names are used.
The Sunscreen Song. :
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