Saturday, March 10, 2007

0703102000 Saturday is handyman day.

Some friends from church dropped in at 9am to see if we had anything left over from our garage sale. The house was in no fit state to receive visitors but seeing as we are all friends I invited them in. They wandered through the house as if it was a Myer store. They picked things up and looked under them for price tags. They measured the fridge. They asked if I would sell the stockman coffee table. They asked how much for the piano, but stopped talking when I told them. They asked me if that was the only dining table we had. I sold them a writing desk and gave them a bookshelf. The price sticker was still on the writing desk from the garage sale and so they insisted on paying. I felt a little awkward because I have already called lifeline to have the stuff taken away.

Today I was talking with my dear wife - who is, as a matter of fact, not just my biased opinion, a world class teacher - and said that it is time to put the house on the market. “But I want to fix it up first” was the reply. “Dear wife, it is time to sell. It is a quarter past March already”. My dear wife then finished the curtain project that has been in the boot of the car for two weeks waiting to be taken to a professional for help. After dinner she continued scrubbing the walls with sugar soap which is a tradition when moving out of a house.

Today I replaced the shower head with a new water-saver and the kids don’t like it. Water restrictions allow 140 litres per person per day. I have asked the kids to have navy showers. My daughter complained the shower-head does not let enough water to come out to wash her hair and that she will have to use the sink. My eldest son has already worked out how to adjust the flow so as to make the water-saver function useless. I think he just takes the whole shower-head off.

I replaced the screen door downstairs. It is a fun job when the right tools are used. Get the little wheel-on-a-stick and enjoy it. Don’t try this job with cutlery.

The key to any project is the budget - a plan without a budget is a wish.

Water saving and level five restrictions.

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